I remember when we first got internet in our home. I believe I was 12 years old. I am now 22 and I can’t believe the amount of technology that has come out since then. We all know that our children are going to grow up with this technology. People like to be up to date and that’s totally okay! We just have to make sure our children still getting the education we got when we were kids.
My daughter is 16 months old and pretty much knows how to operate my smart phone. She loves the touch screen and being able do things easily. I’ve been struggling trying to find 10 apps that will help her learn. I finally just started searching and I found some great ones for her! Some are just for fun and some are educational. I hope this helps you a little bit.
1. Animal Numbers – AD FREE!
For ages one and up. This app is great, it has numbers 1-10. They have different animals each time you go up. You click on the animal and it says a number and then the animal turns into a red number. Once you count all the animals it says “YAY!!” My daughter loves that it does that. It is very simple and easy to kids to do and they can hear the number plus see different animals. It’s our favorite app right now!
2. Barnyard Games For Kids Free ($1.99 full version)
You get 3 different games in free version- Tap farm (picture above), Shapes and Colors, Alphabet Bounce. You can purchase the full version and get a lot more games. But my daughter is content with the free version. Her favorite is the tap farm. All kids do is touch the sun, apples, tree, clouds, animals, and water and everything will make sound. This is a perfect app for toddlers. My daughter was using this app at 12 months old! She still loves it too.
The shapes and colors and alphabet is for 2 year olds. My daughter can’t use these yet but she still like to push anyway. The alphabet games can get annoying if your toddler doesn’t know their alphabet yet. I’m warning you now!
3. Dino Dots
Ages 1-6. Kids can connect the dots. There are 3 different levels easy, medium, and hard. Easy has numbers 4-10. All the images aren’t dinosaurs. They have pumpkins, bottles, other animals. There are 144 connect the dot scenes, from 4 dots for the first one up to 35 dots. There is a variation which is great for kids. The music is great too!
4. Kids Animal Piano
It says it’s for toddlers and kids. But as young as 12 months could use this! You can choose different pictures at the top and the piano plays that sound. The first line of images is a song and it plays the song, the second line plays the song in that sound. It’s great, fun, and silly sometimes. This app is perfect for kids to love just to touch the phone.
It only give you the first few pictures to get all of them you just have to rate the app. It’s pretty easy to get everything by just rating and app! 🙂 Kids love this app!
5. Kids Animal ABC
For ages 1 and up. Each letter will relate to an animal with its real picture and sound, along with this there is a human voice mentioning the letter and the name of the animal. This would help your child to become familiar with the alphabets, animals and their sounds. My daughter loves it! She is always excited to see the next animal. It’s very easy for all kids to operate!
6. Pics Art Kids
This app offers 3 different activities.
*Drawing – on empty canvas or scenes never was so funny and intuitive. It is designed for kids and tested with kids. (Supports up to 10 finger drawing simultaneously)
* Coloring – with wonderful cartoon Dinosaurs, Fishes, Cars and Princesses (supports multi-touch color filling) you’ll enjoy playing it as much as your kids
* Learning – encompass best practices for learning how to draw by providing simple shapes and showing how simple shape can be used to draw animals, people and things.
It’s great and what kids doesn’t love coloring?
7. Toddler Tap-A-Mole
This is a simple tap-for-fun game set in a yard. The aim of the game is to protect the yard from those pesky moles by tapping them on the head when they pop up. Wow crazy fun, for toddler at least! I love the disclaimer this game has it makes me chuckle!
Disclaimer: If you’re not a toddler and you’re not someone who’s thinking about downloading this app for a toddler, you probably don’t want to proceed with this download – it’s not much fun for anyone older than toddler age. There’s no score, no time limit and no game over, in all honesty, there’s no real point to this game whatsoever, except that it seems to amuse toddlers. If you’re a toddler, please ignore this disclaimer – this game is tones of fun!
Funny right?! But seriously toddlers love it.
8. Toddler Sing and Play 2
Seriously kids will love this. It comes with 4 different games if you buy the full version but if you don’t then you just get Old McDonald. It has people who sing the song but kids can move the clouds, touch all the animals and they’ll even make the sounds during the song. The animals switch out once you tap an animal for the song Old McDonald. There are 18 different animals! It’s great and keeps toddlers entertained for hours!
It also lets you preview you other songs and you can buy them if you really like them I haven’t bought any others yet because I’m cheap like that.
9. Tizzy Seasons Lite
Age is for 2-6 year olds. This app has 4 different seasons and each season you get to do something. Spring- you feed the birds, Summer- you blow bubbles and pop them, Fall- you match leaves on a paper, Winter- you dress them in warm clothes. you see the different seasons so kids can notice the change in everything. It’s a great learning app and fun too!
10. Toddler Scratch Game Free
This is a game that has 3 different activities.
Scratch game- you toddler takes their finger and rubs it on the screen to reveal the picture
Color game- This one shows a picture and when you rub your finger over the picture it colors it. This one is fun and seems magical to a lot of kids.
Paint game- It shows a picture and you get to paint over the picture. Every time you pick up your finger a different color appears.
Toddlers love this. Although it isn’t ad free it’s still a great game that kids love!
I have added one more.
123 Tracing App from Kids Academy
Every once in a while I find one that is worth paying for-like this 123 Tracing App from Kids Academy Company (available on amazon)! I have a 5 year old in kindergarten, she has been learning to write her numbers, and has been struggling with 5 & 8. This app has been awesome for her to practice writing her numbers!
These are the top ten apps my daughter loves, almost all of them are educational. But a few are just for fun. I hope this helps someone. Feel free to comment below and tell me apps your toddler loves that I haven’t written!
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Great suggestions, we are looking for a few apps for little to help with his colors, numbers and letters. we have a couple of these and will check out the rest. Thank You
thanks for the post..!!
Its really helpful for kids where they entertainment + education at a time. They ashould always learn different thing.
There one more game named Animal Dent Doctor Kids Game really fun and addictive pivoted on surgery game
where kids play as doctor and treat their patients as well become doctor at that time…!!!
I think you should get the safe web browser app, “Kiddle”.