Here are the activities we did for the letter X:

The first activity we did for the letter X was make X’s using food.
All you need for this activity is different kinds of food that can be made into the letter X. We used pretzels, veggie straws and shredded cheese (to add a little difficulty to it). There are so many other things you can use, really your options are endless! So have fun making it your own and choosing things according to your child’s likes.

The next letter X activity we did was make x-rays.
- Black Construction Paper
- White Crayon
- Q tips
- Glue
How to make x-rays:
- Trace your child’s hand onto the black piece of paper using the white crayon.
- Put glue on both ends of a Q tip and glue inside of the traced hand.
That’s it! Super quick and easy. It was also fun seeing where my kids would choose to put their “bones” in their hands.

Next for the letter X we went on a X marks the spot treasure hunt!
- Wooden Box
- Paint
- Paint brush
- Paper
- Pen
- “Treasure” (We used twix mini candy bars because they didn’t have any chocolate gold coins at the store we went to)
How to put together a X marks the spot treasure hunt:
- Make your treasure box by painting a wooden box. I chose to paint our black and I painted the inside gold. Also don’t forget to paint on the red X that marks the spot!
- Let the box dry and then put in the treasure!
- On a piece of paper draw a map remembering to mark an X on the map for where the treasure box will be hidden.
- To make the map look more authentic I burned the outside edges.
- Then I cut up the map into six pieces, trying to make it look like a puzzle.
- Using the pieces of the treasure map I made a scavenger hunt by writing clues on the back of each piece that would lead the kids to the find the next piece. Some example of what I wrote are “This is where daddy washes his teeth” (the next piece was taped to his mirror in the bathroom). “This is where your bikes live” (The next piece was taped on one of their bikes in the garage).
- Once the kids find all of the pieces they can put the map together and use the map to find the X that marks the spot and find the treasure!
This was probably my favorite of any of the activities we have done for any of the letters. I loved doing all of the prep for this activity and then watching my kids get more and more excited throughout the scavenger hunt was priceless.

The last letter X activity that we did was make a xylophone.
- Construction Paper
- Scissors
- Glue
How to make a xylophone:
- First I showed my kids an example of what we were going to make.
- Then I gave them all the required supplies and let them put it together the way they wanted.
- They made a big X to go on the bottom. Then they cut out a different color for each of the bars, these were also cut at different lengths. They used glue to assemble it all together.
- Then as a finishing touch they made a small mallet.
Which of these activities would your child have the most fun with? What other letter X activities can you think of?

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