This isn’t a typical post that you see on I Love My Kids blog, but I’ve just got to Let It Go. Pun intended!
I have been reading all the controversy on hidden meanings in the movie Frozen. I’ve got 3 little girls that are totally in love with Frozen and even more in love with it’s soundtrack. I probably listen to the song Let It Go at least 30 times a day (seriously) because my 3 year old lights up when she sings it, dances to it, hears it-and I LOVE to see her happy. Each day I have plenty of time to ponder any hidden message from this song and I have come up with my top 5 FAVORITE possible hidden messages in this song. Please enjoy and share if you smiled!
This song may really be about a pregnant woman with morning sickness trying to conceal her pregnancy from friends/co-workers until the 2nd trimester. Just listen to these words:
Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know (referring to morning sickness)
Well, now they know (despite her best efforts, it is totally obvious because she usually looks like this:
But after just a couple of weeks of morning sickness she looks like this:
Let it go, let it go
Can’t hold it back anymore (I’ve so been there–how about you?)
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door (Bathroom door of course!)
Followed by: Throwing up never bothered me anyway….
Not so sure about that one–maybe the song is actually about someone being bullied who has finally had enough. Take these lyrics for example:
It’s time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me (feeling frustrated about their situation)
I’m free…
…Let it go, let it go
You’ll never see me cry (Sad–I hate bullying–Let’s ALL fight it when we hear/see it!)
MAYBE this song is really about a woman who can NEVER please her in-laws. Perfect Example: Deborah and Marie on Everybody Loves Raymond. Check out these lyrics from Deborah’s point of view directly after the latest insult from the in laws:
Let it go, let it go
You’ll never see me cry
Here I stand
And here I’ll stay
Let the storm rage on (Hang in there anyone with tough in-laws. I am rooting for you–but feel free to toss out as many of these looks as needed!!)
Perhaps the song is really about someone that suffers from severe flatulence. Yep, they got gas and they are trying not to let it go! Have you seen that commercial? Your son Rip is on line Toot…. maybe these lyrics are really meant for people that have this challenge!
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows I tried…
I don’t care
What they’re going to say
Let the storm rage on…(I have no appropriate comments to say here so I will move on-while giggling!)
I think I’ve got it–MAYBE there is no hidden message at all…MAYBE this song is in an adorable movie and is really about a girl who has isolated herself to keep those around her safe because she has these super intense ice throwing capabilities that almost killed her little sister.
WHOA….think about that one for a minute!
You can derive pretty much anything you want out of any song. In the meantime I still continue to sing my guts out with my 3, 5, and 7 year old daughter’s who just want to Let It Go at least 30 times a day followed by building a snowman. Now that I have finally expressed how I feel about all this silliness regarding hidden meanings. I think it is time for me to “let it go” too. 🙂 Have a super day!-Cj
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Lol. That was cute 🙂
Your analysis is much funnier than mine – and I loved it.
I am a child psychiatrist – so I tried to think of it from that perspective and here’s what I came up with:
I think “Let It Go” is about avoiding emotion. Avoiding any and all feeling. It’s about how most people feel, “sad is bad, guilt is bad, vulnerability is bad, and since I can’t feel happiness or connection or love without risking those things – I’d rather feel nothing at all.”
I thought the song had some pretty poignant references to people with the disease of addiction and other mental disorders. Many of these diseases encourage the person suffering from them to isolate and become self destructive and destructive to those around them until they are able to reach out and get help. Love is often an effective part of treatment for these conditions.