Here are the activities we did for the letter U:

The first letter U activity we did was play U-toss.
- Paper Towel Roll
- Egg Carton
- Thick Construction Paper
- Paint (Optional)
How to make your U-toss:
- The first thing I did was cut down the egg carton. All you need is six of the egg holders, you can cut everything off. This way it is still stable enough to hold up the paper towel roll.
- This step is optional. We then painted the egg carton and the paper towel roll. This just makes it all more visually appealing but besides that has no other function. It also adds more fun to the activity, I have never met a kid who didn’t like to paint.
- Then using the sturdy construction paper, cut out big block letter U’s. We cut out four but really you can cut out as many or as little as you want. These also can be cut out in different sizes as well.
- Now assemble the game by placing the paper towel roll in one of the middle egg holder. If you painted the roll and the carton make sure to wait for them to dry before assembling.
- To play the game take turns throwing the letter U’s at the paper towel roll, trying to get it around the roll.
This game is a lot harder than it looks but we did have a lot of fun trying to be successful at it.

The next letter U activity we did was to blow UP a balloon with science!
- Empty Water Bottle
- Vinegar
- Baking Soda
- Balloon
- Funnels
How to make a balloon blow UP with science:
- Use a funnel to pour vinegar into the water bottle. We used small water bottles and filled them up about halfway with vinegar.
- Use a funnel to fill the balloon most of the way with baking soda. We filled our balloon till just before the neck of the balloon.
- Now stretch the end of the balloon around the neck of the water bottle without pouring any of the baking soda out. Do this by folding the top part of the balloon down.
- After the balloon is secured to the water bottle, and to make sure it is really secure you can wrap your hand around it, have your child lift the balloon up and pour the baking soda into the vinegar.
As soon as the last step is finished this is when the fun will begin. We went through a couple of trial runs so I have a couple of pieces of advice to hopefully help you avoid our mistakes.
First of all don’t buy the cheapest balloons you can find. A more durable and stronger balloon will work better because you will be less likely to encounter an unnoticed tear and end up with vinegar shooting across your whole kitchen. Next follow my above advice of holding onto the balloon, this will help to avoid part of the end of the balloon flying up and you or your child being sprayed with vinegar.
Besides these two missteps we really enjoyed this experiment, even my daughter who ended up getting covered in vinegar!

The next letter U activity we did was make Unicorn bark.
- 24 oz White Chocolate
- 1/2 C Heavy Cream
- 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
- Food Coloring
- Sprinkles
How to make unicorn bark:
- Add the white chocolate, extract and cream to a microwave safe bowl. Microwave at 30 second intervals until the chocolate is melted and the ingredients can easily be combined.
- Add food coloring to the mixture until your get your desired color. My daughter decided she wanted out unicorn bark to be pink, shocker, but it can literally be any color you want!
- Spread the mixture out into a 8×8 pan that has either been sprayed or is lined with parchment paper.
- Cover the fudge with your sprinkles and lightly push in.
- Place in the fridge for 1-2 hours or until it is firm.
My kids LOVED this stuff. I was not a huge fan but I also do not like white chocolate so I think that has a lot to do with it. My daughter especially loved this treat because it’s name included the word unicorn. My son, although not a fan of unicorns, loved it because he thought it was funny to call it unicorn puke. Oh boys!

Then for our letter U activities we made it rain on umbrellas.
- Construction Paper
- Glue
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Blue Paint
- Straw
How to make it rain on an umbrella:
- Cut out the shape of the top of an umbrella from a piece of construction paper. You can also cut out the shape of the umbrella handle from construction paper as well. We just drew ours in.
- Glue the top of the umbrella, and the handle if you cut one out, onto a bigger piece of paper. Then if you did not cut out a handle you can just draw one on.
- Carefully pour a line of paint along the top of the page, right above the umbrella.
- Give your child the straw and have them blow the paint towards the umbrella.
My daughter could have made the paint go down a little further but decided what she got above was good enough for her. I think it turned out adorable and I would say it is one of my favorite activities we have done so far!
Which of the above letter U activities would your child like the most? What other letter U activities can you think of?

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