Piper Computer Kits, have you heard of them? I recently found out about them when they were featured at the NYC Time To Play event and received a kit to review! Piper is an award winning computer kit that allows your child to build, code, wire, and play! It’s computer science, engineering, and flat out FUN!
My 11 year old daughter built her own Piper computer in just over 2 hours and since then has spent HOURS and HOURS taking on challenges and learning the entire time! She is smitten with it and so am I! Let me tell you all about it-I’ve made a video at the bottom of this post too if you’d like to see it in action!The Piper Computer Kit comes nicely packaged in a foam lined box. I appreciated the care Piper took to make sure this kit arrived in great shape! It has a secret mission letter, a very large blue print and this computer comes disassembled. The fun and challenge is for your child to jump in and build it! Once it is built, there are 10 pre-designed worlds on it. These just aren’t any worlds but they are Minecraft worlds!
It is fun to watch your child as they navigate through challenges and solve them. Meanwhile, they will learn how to re-wire, which buttons to push, and how to code new items to complete the missions! Earlier today, my daughter coded a giant toaster for herself so she could be flung from it to get over an obstacle!
Piper Computer Kit
The first thing I noticed once she had all the pieces out was the quality of the components. The piper computer kit comes with a really nice speaker, retractable mouse, quality screen and more! They didn’t cut any corners! They are legit parts! I also noticed that it was very well organized and easy to follow!
Honestly this Piper Computer Kit is so cool that words and photos can’t justify it! So we made this video review to show it in action!
This has been one of the coolest things we’ve ever reviewed! In the time that we have had this computer my daughter is totally smitten. She loves to spend any spare minute possible playing. The best part is as she is playing she actually learning, engineering, solving problems, and learning computer code. I see her switching out pieces that I honestly don’t know the name of and she is spouting off terms that leave me with a blank stare! I cannot say enough good words about this kit!
Is there a child in your life that would LOVE building a quality computer from the ground up? If so run over the Piper’s website right now and enter their giveaway to try to win one for yourself! I can wholeheartedly give my recommendation on the quality of this product and say it is totally worth it. There was no frustration in assembling this, the entire time she has played with it has been pure excitement and joy! You can purchase the Piper Computer Kit at Barnes and Noble, Toys R Us, and Amazon*. Approximate retail price is $299.00 USD. Who do you know that would LOVE this Piper Computer Kit? Let me know in the comments below! Thanks for reading!
*Affiliate link present
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