As a mother, I love watching my young children grow a passion for music. This past spring I started my two oldest children, who were 7, in piano lessons. I also wanted to start my 4 year old as well, but the level of discipline and understanding to comprehend the keys and notes on a piano were above her capabilities at the time.
Now, thanks to Preschool Prodigies, she is able to learn note and key recognition, giving her the ability to grow a passion for music and understand music theory before many music teachers will even accept her as a student.
Preschool Prodigies has created this program specifically for preschool age children, but based on my experience, my older children love it as much if not more than my younger ones. This makes it a great addition to any household.
Using color coded instruments (we have the Preschool Prodigies C Major Desk Bells) and very animated learning techniques, such as colorful workbooks and an interactive website, children are able to find fun in music and learning.
I have met many people who do not have a background in music or music theory. To them, the pressure to teach their toddler music may seem completely overwhelming and unthinkable. (I even get a little apprehensive about the idea myself, and I have a basic understanding of music theory.) But with Preschool Prodigies, all concerns are eliminated because all the hard work is done for you.
We have a one-year membership bundle to Preschool Prodigies. This bundle came with C Major Desk Bells, My First Songbook Volume 1 and 2, Playground Workbooks (Chapters 1-8), and unlimited Playground Access.
Within ten minutes of reading through the workbook lessons and interacting on the website, my daughter was able to play multiple songs on the bells. I was impressed with her ability to read and play a song so quickly using the curriculum provided, including the Playground Access.
When you sign up for their Playground Access, you not only get access to interactive videos that teach step-by-step lessons and music theory, you also gain access to detailed lesson plans and pacing guides. I absolutely love this because I am able to learn how to be an affective teacher while my daughter is learning how to be a beginning musician.
From the very first lesson, music theory is emphasized and taught. As the musician works their way through the beginning lessons to the more advances lessons, their ability to read a treble scale and properly identify notes increases. Cute little colorful bells (as seen in the beginning lessons) phase into colored quarter, half, and whole notes. As the advanced lessons progress, transitioning to a piano or other musical instrument will seem effortless.
Preschool Prodigies opens the doorways for toddlers, and young children, to begin finding a passion in music. The tools and curriculum are provided to you, making it easier than ever to start learning music in your home. I really enjoyed this program and highly recommend it.
To get started with Preschool Prodigies today, visit their website here.
Preschool Prodigies provided me with this item for review. The opinions expressed above are my own, based on the experiences I had observing and using the provided product. Enjoy.
Nice review! It looks like she was having a lot of fun playing the bells. We really love Preschool Prodigies too. 🙂