When you think about how many different clothes fasteners there are, how many can you think of? I can think of about eight off of the top my head but I am sure there are a lot more than that. Now think about a child who has zero experience with any fasteners trying these out for the first time, I mean I have a hard enough time doing some of these fasteners let alone a child who has little to no hand eye coordination. Then on top of that challenge it is also a good idea to find a way for your child to learn these new skills in a fun way so that they will be encouraged to keep going even when it gets hard, which it will. What I found to be the most helpful way of teaching these techniques was to find a way to combine more than one technique into the same fun learning experience.
I was able to start teaching my daughter some of the fastener techniques with the Lilli Dress-Up Doll provided to me from HABA. They provided me with this product in return for my honest review of its usefulness in my child’s life. I can honestly say that Lilli is a great new addition to our family.
In all, Lilli has nine different fasteners on her clothing.
She has a button, a clip, a belt and snap on the middle and top portion of her clothing.
So far my three-year-old can do a couple of these but she has a lot of fun taking her clothes off and getting her dressed again. It is like she is a little mommy, which she loves to pretend to be especially when I have to take care of her younger brother.
On the bottom of Lilli, she has a shoe lace, Velcro, a zipper and a drawstring.
I find that the shoes stay on really well, the only time I seem to be missing one of the shoes is when the lace is undone, my daughter is still figuring out the lace but is an expert at the Velcro, so the shoe with the lace is usually lost somewhere in the mess I call my house, and the Velcro shoe usually stays put on Lili.
Another thing I like about the Lilli Dress-Up Doll is her hair.
It is so pink, which is my daughter’s and my favorite color, and it is another way for my daughter to learn by being able to practice putting her hair up in pigtails with the hair tie that comes in Lili’s hair.
I really do think that Lilli has been so far and will continue to be a fun way for my daughter to learn these new fastener techniques as well as have a new well-made doll to play with, I mean just look at those adorable freckles (I am always a sucker for freckles). I love being able to watch my daughter play and expand her imagination while at the same time master skills in the real world.
Would your child benefit from the Lilli Dress-Up Doll? Which fasteners would your child be able to do now and which ones would they need work on?
Looks great! would love to get one of these for my great granddaughter! Where can I buy one and how much are they?
This is such a great product, your granddaughter will love it! You can find it at this link http://www.habausa.com/products/dolls-and-accessories-for-toddlers-1/haba-dolls/lilli-dress-up-doll.html
It looks like it isn’t available through the website currently but it should have an option to show you where it might be available locally. I hope you can find one and if you do let me know how she likes it.
A great way to teach kids fasteners using the Lilli Dress-Up Doll! An excellent solution for skill development through fun learning. Bravo for this valuable tip!