1. It is never too late to find motivation!
No matter where you are currently in your life, it is never too late to make the changes you want to make. It isn’t going to be easy, but it will be SO WORTH IT! Your happiness and achievements are possible if YOU decide they are and put in the work to see them through. Don’t let the failures, heartaches or pains of the past prevent you from doing what you dream to do!
2. Define your future.
Planning for the future is a great thing to do…but who dictates what “the future” is? If you are struggling to hit long term goals and get burdened by the thought of “future plans”, shorten your vision a little and start with your future goals for today. The future is what you want it to be. So today, perhaps it is just planning and focusing on the next 24-48 hours…or take it out a week…or a month. You are in the driver’s seat here, so define what your future is and rock it.
3. Write out a list of your goals, then prioritize them.
Once you have done that, make subcategories for your top three goals by listing what you need to do to accomplish that goal. For example, one of my top 3 goals this year is to focus on family unity. My sub-category for this goal answers the “How can I do that” question. I can achieve this goal by planning family outings weekly, allow input from my kids on activities they would like to do, always eating dinner (and any other meals when we are all home) together, etc. As time goes on, I can document more thoughts on improving this goal, which in turn, improves many other things that may not even be mentioned or thought of. Be sure to write goals that YOU have control over, and actions that depend on your effort. Others cannot live your life for you, you are the only one who has that power.
4. Remember that we only get what we give.
If we are allowing ourselves to be lazy, we are going to get lazy results. You cannot be motivated to do something if you allow laziness to guide you. Next time you are at the park with your kids and they come ask to be pushed on the swing or for you to join them in a fast paced game of tag, choose to be active with them. Find ways to get up and go. Stop mindlessly thumbing through Facebook or Pinterest, be productive instead. I promise you won’t regret it.
5. Dreams do come true, not by wishing, but by doing!
No matter what, don’t allow the difficulties of yesterday stop you from trying it all again today. Don’t think about tomorrow either, wishing for a different outcome….if you want the dreams to come true, you have to do the work for them TODAY! After all, tomorrow never really comes….does it?
Great first post, Lila. You will be an inspiration to many young moms. I will be honest here – I am an old grandma and I get tired just watching your busy life! I greatly admire what you accomplish and how much fun you have doing it!
Good luck!
These are great tips, whether you are setting new goals or getting back on track after a setback. It is so hard for us moms to put ourselves first at times, but we have to keep ourselves healthy too.