Being a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) is the best, craziest, hardest, most fun, most exhausting, most frustrating, and most fulfilling job I’ve ever taken on. I’ve got 4 kids ages 2 months, 3 years, 6 years and 8 years old and they are all girls. Sometimes at the end of the day my sweet husband will come home from work and glance over the disaster house and probably want to ask, “What did you do all day?” BUT he never does because that is a question NO ONE should ask!
I usually start the day feeling pretty good.
Well honestly these days with my 2 month old, I never start the day refreshed.
Although I average 5 hours of terribly interrupted sleep each night, I like the motto, fake it until you make it, so I do TRY to start the day out faking the pretty good feeling as best I can. I get motivated to accomplish a lot by making a to do list. What I should do is instead of making a new one each day, is just laminate it and reuse the next day because NOTHING ever stays done!
I spend the day re-doing everything I did the day before while I try to walk the fine line between getting the house to an acceptable state, while making sure I am enriching my not at school children’s life by taking them to social outings/reading books/playing games with them, trying to manage the bills, keeping the fridge stocked, occasionally getting a shower for myself-but making it quick because who KNOWS what is going to happen while I take 7 minutes for myself, and of course trying to limit the amount of TV shown during the day.
I made a post on my personal Facebook page the other day that said, “I just watched a new episode of Curious George! This is so exciting I was sure I had seen them all!” The best part about this post is of my SAHM friends liked the post and said, “AWESOME!” Sometimes I find myself wondering why Dora’s Mom lets her daughter go on these crazy adventures–just drive her to the big soccer game–don’t make her walk through the jungle, across the bridge and then to the big soccer game! Most days I compare myself to Daniel Tiger’s Mom….if I could just be as loving and kind as her and NEVER get angry I’d be such a good Mom. Is it just me or can you relate?
Before I know it the day is gone, the kids are home from school, I’ve told them at least 9 times to do their homework, practice their piano and bring their lunchboxes into the kitchen. 3 out of the several tasks actually get done and I have to ask 9 more times before they “hear” me. My husband walks through the door and I MAY or may not look something like this:
Dinner should have been on the table 30 minutes ago and I haven’t even thought about it. I throw something together and this is what ensues:
I love the child on the floor….I have a child just like this! Do you have one too? I think this cartoon is so spot on that I will post it again right now because it is that funny!
Did you smile again at this? I did! After dinner I need a break and will check my email and Facebook where I see several of my friends that aren’t parents yet celebrating that it is Friday…I catch myself getting excited with them:
I give up on caring about the amount of TV the kids are watching for the day because it’s Friday night and we all need to unwind. After watching not just 1 but 2 movies, we get the kids teeth brushed and them into bed. Then I hit the hay too. Long enough to get a tiny bit of sleep before the baby wakes up to nurse again.
Someday’s I think I must be the worst Mother in the world. I am hollering too much, my kid’s won’t listen, the house is trashed, I haven’t gotten a shower in 2 days (possibly 3-I stopped counting), I can’t even remember the last time I did something for myself…..we all have those days, right? Most days I just give it my best shot and try my hardest to be the best Mom I can be. So you fellow stay at home Moms, carry on, don’t give up, and don’t be too hard on yourself! I’d like to end this blog post (which was all in good fun-I do love my kids and my job, I really do) but this video is spot on:
If you enjoyed this post, share it with your stay at home mom friends! Check us out on Facebook for more parenting fun!
Disclosure: I found these images and videos via a Google search, I do not claim that these photos are mine, they are just too awesome to not share!
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You gotta asmit though babies are worth it. Its tough the first years it eases up and ten they turn to teens and the pressure is on 🙂 It nt an easu job, but I woukdnt have had it any other way either,