These are the activities we did for the letter S!

The first activity we did for the letter S was make snake bubbles.
- Bubbles
- Sock
- Water Bottle
- Pie Dish
How to make snake bubbles:
- Cut the bottom of a water bottle off.
- Stretch a sock over the end of the water bottle that you just cut off.
- Pour bubbles in the pie dish.
- Stick the sock end of the water bottle into the bubbles and blow into the neck of the bottle to make snake bubbles.
Another fun option is to add drops of food coloring to the sock, then dip it into the bubbles and when you blow new bubbles they will be colored.

The next letter S activity we did was do salt painting.
- Salt
- School Glue
- Food Coloring
- Water
- Dropper
How to do salt painting:
- Make a shape or letter with the glue on a piece of paper.
- Put salt on the glue and pour off excess salt once done.
- Mix food coloring with water in a cup. I did about a cup of water with 3-4 drops of food coloring for each color. I would do more food coloring though.
- Place the piece of paper on top of a piece of tin foil, this helps with limiting the amount of mess this activity makes.
- Fill dropper with colored water and drip onto the salted glue.
- Set aside to dry.
This activity was fun because it was a new way of painting. My son made a HUGE mess while doing it so I was really glad I decided to put tin foil underneath his paper. You could also put the paper on top of a baking sheet which would be even better with helping in avoiding a big mess.

The next letter S activity we did was made a snake.
- Pipe Cleaner
- Buttons
- Googly Eyes
- Pom Pom
- Glue
How to make a snake:
- First take your pipe cleaner and make a loop at one of it’s ends.
- Have your child thread buttons onto the pipe cleaner for as long as their attention span will allow.
- Cut off the majority of the excess pipe cleaner, leaving enough to tie a knot so the buttons don’t fall off.
- Glue a pom pom onto the loop end of the pipe cleaner. Glue eyes onto the pom pom.
This activity was one that I was surprised that my son liked so much. Normally he isn’t a big fan of crafts but this was one he was excited to do. He didn’t have the patience to thread the whole pipe cleaner but he loved the end product and couldn’t wait to show his dad when he got home from work.

The last letter S activity we did was make smores in the oven.
- Graham Crackers
- Marshmallows
- Chocolate
- Tin Foil
- Baking Sheet
How to make Smores in the oven:
- Line a baking sheet with tin foil.
- Lay out graham crackers on the lined baking sheet. Top the crackers with chocolate and top the chocolate with marshmallows.
- Move your oven rack to the broil position, the top position in the oven.
- Set your oven to broil on high.
- Place the baking sheet on the top rack and check on it about every ten seconds until the marshmallows have been cooked on the top.
- Remove from the oven and top each with another graham cracker.
Of course my kids could not wait for this activity. What kid doesn’t like smores? They helped with the stacking of the smores and I turned the oven light on so they could watch them cook. Then they enjoyed eating them, of course!
What other letter S activities can you think of? Which of these activities would your child like doing?

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