I have finally entered the last two months of pregnancy since a week ago and I am being flooded with emotions of excitement, anticipation, worry, and so much more. As the time to have this baby is coming up fast I feel ready and at the same time not ready at all because I have NOTHING for baby boys! Everything I own for babies is pink and frilly and not something my husband would allow me to put on or near his little man. Because of this I recently have had to start searching the web for new baby items that will start filling up my house and this time instead of feeling like we are swimming in a pool of pink we will be drowning in blue.
One of the first items I came across when on my baby boy item search was PullyPalz. This product looked like the perfect one to start my collection of baby boy items.
This PullyPal is MooMoo. He is going to help in my babies left/right brain coordination, cause and effect, and eye-hand coordination. He does this by providing a way that my baby will be able to reach for his own binky.
One of the ways you can use PullyPalz is on your baby’s carseat.
Putting the PullyPal onto a carseat, or bouncer or really anything that has a bar you can strap the PullyPal onto, is super simple. You just undo the Velcro on the back of the PullyPal and then wrap the Velcro straps around the bar on the item you want it on and Velcro the straps together. Quick and easy.
The great thing about this product, besides the developmental help it gives your baby, is that it will keep the baby entertained as well as keeping you from having to pick up a binky every 5 minutes. This would become especially handy when in a grocery store, or making dinner so you can finish either job a lot faster. Not to mention it would save the binky from having to touch the dirty floor.
To see if the binky holders on the PullyPalz would be able to reach my new baby I used a very small doll, of course my baby will most likely not be this small, and I was surprised to find out that even with the tiny doll the holders reached the baby. This was good because now I know I will not have to worry about him getting too old before actually being able to use the PullyPalz.
Another great thing about the PullyPalz is that it fits a lot of different brands of binkies. On their site they mention being able to use “Nuk, MAM, Avent (with handles), Avent Soothie, Playtex Binky, Tommie Tippee, Dr. Brown’s, Nuby”. That is a lot of binky brands and most of them are ones that most people use. I personally tried out two different types of binkies in the PullyPal.
Both of the binkies above worked in the PullyPal but the one on the left worked better than the one on the right so when using PullyPalz I would recommend going with a similar style of binky to the one on the left of the picture.
This product is great and will be a big help in my new baby’s brain development, eye-hand coordination and cause and effect.
Another great thing about PullyPalz is that they are giving away one right here on the blog! To enter the giveaway fill out at least one of the entries in the rafflecopter below. The giveaway is open to those who are 18+ and in the US only. The giveaway ends 11/5 at 11:59 pm EST and the winner will be contacted by email and will have 24 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. The winner will get one PullyPalz of their choice, there are three lovable little animals to choose from. Good luck!
Congrats to our winner Ashley Lynne! Ashley, you have been emailed and have 24 hours to reply or a new winner will be chosen!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*I received samples of the products mentioned above for free to facilitate this post. All opinions are mine.
This is the coolest thing ever. Where was it when my kids were little? Thank goodness it is around now for my grandchildren.
Love this…even though I’m having a new grand daughter in about a month she’ll love this!
Love this…even though I’m having a new grand daughter in about a month she’ll love this! The pacifier holder is my favorite part.
I love that it keeps them from losing their pacifier, sounds like an awesome product!
I love that they hold the pacifiers and also give the baby something to focus on!
I like that this is going to help grandson’s left/right brain coordination, cause and effect, and eye-hand coordination. He does this by providing a way that my baby will be able to reach for his own binky. Cute, fun invention!
I like how easily it attaches to the car seat. Sometimes those things hang and attah so awkwardly.
I love it keeps the binky from falling to the ground
I like that the paci doesn’t hit the floor and isn’t really lost. I remember searching for pacis with my first only to find that they had worked their way under him.
I like that there are 2 binkys available to them,
I like that there are 2 binkys available to them! My son looses his in the car a lot!
Not having to loose a pacifier would be awesome!! Love this idea
My favorite feature is that the pully palz holds pacifiers.
It gives something for my baby to play with and look at while in the car. He hates the carseat.
I like that it fits a lot of different brands of binkies
My favorite feature of the PullyPalz would definitely have to be that it encourages the baby to reach for its own pacifier–it teaches them to be self-dependent and takes a bit of stress away from the parent. Did I mention that the designs are cute!
love that its something they can play with
Everyone needs to have a plan to stop the dropping of binkies. I like the colorful choices and how it encourages eye hand coordination for both hands.
LOVE that it will entertain my baby in the car!
I like that its velcro and can be moved around.
I love that it holds the pacifier that is so helpful when driving.
I love that it holds the pacifier that is so helpful when driving
These are too cute!! Love them!! (:
My favorite feature is that it keeps the binky off the floor! My baby loves throwing everything on the floor these days.
Love how it attaches to the car seat.
My favorite feature is that I won’t have to go looking for the pacifier.
Love that it hangs on the car seat and encourages baby to reach for it themselves.
I like that Baby can actually get their own pacifier.
I love that it’s something that will keep baby entertained!
I love that they hold pacifiers and teach coordination skills.
I love that the PullyPalz keep my little one’s pacifier off the floor so I’m not constantly picking it up!
PullyPalz are interactive, entertaining, developmentally beneficial and helpful to parents.
I love that it holds a paci, how convenient.
I really like how it will encourage babies to reach for their pacifier. I’m having my 2nd baby is February and I think this would be convenient for car rides and beneficial as far as hand eye coordination.
I think this would be convenient for car rides and beneficial as far as hand eye coordination.
This will be very convenient during car rides, I’ve had to search high and low on a few occasions for a pacifier gone missing.
I like that it hold pacifiers. We are always losing ours
I love that it is for a boy…my boys are teenagers but my best friend is having her first boy and it was easy for her girls but you are really limited for boys.
I love the idea altogether, but the fact that it connects to bouncers is awesome!
I like that the materials are all safe for babies and the designs they come in.
I love how easily it attaches
I like that it attaches to a carseat or a swing instead of their clothes!
This looks awesome! Would love to have one for our little one on the way!
I forgot to mention that my favorite part is how it works with coordination and brain development! Can never have enough of those type of toys!
i like that they cant drop there pacifier
I like that it helps with brain development
My favorite feature is how it attaches to the car seat!